Active Research
Supporting continuous quality improvement in safeguarding at Hockey Australia and other national sporting organisations
- Prevention of child sexual abuse
- Disclosure of child sexual abuse
- Identification of child sexual abuse
- Needs of victims and survivors
Research Topic areas
- Community awareness
- Education
- Government & policy responses
- Institutional abuse
Project Duration
Start: July 2023
End: March 2025
Geographical Scope
General communityWorkforce
Adolescents (13-17 years)Young adults (18-25 years)Adults (26-65 years)Older adults (>65 years)
All genders
Project Lead
Jarrod Dowdy, Hockey Australia
Project Team
Douglas Russell, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
Samantha Dellamarta, Hockey Australia
In 2021, Hockey Australia developed a “Safe Hockey” Framework to address the sport’s response to children’s and young people’s safety and wellbeing, including the ongoing threat of sexual abuse and other types of harm.
Hockey Australia will use the Children’s Safety and Safeguarding Capabilities Surveys, developed by the Institute of Child Protection Studies, to evaluate the effectiveness of the Framework by measuring children and young people’s perception of safety in hockey, and how capable Australian Hockey Organisation staff and volunteers feel about their role in safeguarding children and young people in hockey (read about the surveys here).
Hockey Australia will deploy surveys to participants across its pathways and representative levels of hockey. Participants will be engaged using a facilitated and supported face-to-face approach, ensuring they are informed and understand the purpose of the survey. The surveys use established quantitative research methods to collect and analyse the empirical evidence gathered.
Significance and Dissemination
Results will be used to identify and inform Hockey Australia’s continuous improvement efforts and how the surveys and tools may be deployed nationally to evaluate the child safety and safeguarding frameworks and efforts of other national sporting organisations.
Further Details
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Funding body:
The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse
The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse
Funding budget:
$34,898 grant
$34,898 grant
Monitoring and governance:
This project is guided by oversight of the Project Advisory Group and organisational governance of Hockey Australia
This project is guided by oversight of the Project Advisory Group and organisational governance of Hockey Australia
Australian Human Research Ethics Committee:
This project is subject to ethical oversight by the Australian Catholic University Human Research Ethics Committee
This project is subject to ethical oversight by the Australian Catholic University Human Research Ethics Committee
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